History The Ark of God Orphanage, established in 1996, is dedicated to providing a nurturing home for children from socially and financially disadvantaged backgrounds. Founded by Mrs. Gondo, the orphanage continues its mission to care for vulnerable children, ensuring they receive love, education, and basic needs. Following Mrs. Gondo's passing in 2013, Teissa, one of the first children in the home, now manages the orphanage, supporting 34 children with limited resources.
Mission To provide a loving and secure environment for orphaned and vulnerable children, ensuring they have access to education, healthcare, and emotional support, while empowering them to grow into responsible and independent adults.
Vision To create a future where every orphaned child is embraced by love, care, and opportunity, enabling them to thrive and reach their full potential, regardless of their background.
Make A Donation
Your support can change lives! Every donation helps provide food, education, and care for vulnerable children at Ark of God Orphanage. Join us in giving these children a brighter future. Donate today and be a beacon of hope!